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We can help you with the Energy Star Score of the facilities.

City of Vancouver is requiring “annual energy and carbon reporting” for Commercial and multi Family units. Also, within a timeframe, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensity (GHGi) limits and heat energy limits come into effect for commercial office and retail buildings meaning for buildings producing GHGI above the allowed limit, there would be financial penalty. 

Buildings can receive a 1–100 ENERGY STAR score.

The ENERGY STAR score compares your building’s energy performance to similar buildings nationwide, normalized for weather and operating characteristics. A score of 50 represents median performance. A higher score is better than average; lower is worse. We support building owners and managers with starting their journey of Energy Star Score and see where their facilities are standing in terms of energy performance. That would be the first step towards the energy cost reductions and sustainability attempts. Contact us today to help you plan for the adoption.